
Preschool Education Program

Your child will be attending Kindergarten in a short time, so the focus of the preschool Program is to prepare them for school. Our 3 star Step Up To Quality approved curriculum will help your child pass Ohio’s Kindergarten Readiness AssessmentPrecious Angels Learning Center’s preschool program provides experiences that allow the children to be successful. They build self-confidence by experiencing activities such as dramatic play, math & science, building blocks, manipulative, music & movement and creative art. Our program relies on flexibility, letting the children discover and explore learning centers which help develop self-esteem, decision-making abilities, and socialization skills.

Time is provided for the children to choose activities that have a special interest to them.   Routine schedules are still an important part of learning at this age and will help foster self-help skills.

An environment that encourages curiosity and offers challenges to stimulate development is the key ingredient to our program.

Program Features

  • Our creative curriculum
  • Age appropriate activities aligned with the state learning standards.
  • Parent/teacher conferences twice a year
  • The creative curriculum developmental continuum/assessments/child progress report
  • Activity plans designed to incorporate all learning areas
  • Development of social emotional and self-help skills
  • Cognitive and spatial perceptual skills
  • Motor coordination skills
  • Writing skills
  • Language and literacy skills
  • Music
  • Dramatic play
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Computer skills
  • Teachers work with children both individually and with groups

“We strive to teach communication skills, manners, responsibility and respect in all the activities that we provide”

Parma Heights: